domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

Back Again

It’s been a couple of months since the last time I wrote something,  I can give you a lot of reasons for it, but honestly, I would not know for sure which one is real.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about my future, not just because I am worried about it, it is something else, and something I can explain. Maybe I’m getting old and I think that I need to do something important with my life; maybe I think I need to be successful.

After new year’s everyone was  asking about  my plans for the future and I got tired of making shit up, the truth is that I have no freaking clue of what to do with the present and these people want me to know what to do with my future; I mean , give me a break. I can admit that I have some ideas of what to do, but no more than that.

These ideas come from everywhere and unfortunately all of them have a requirement in common: MONEY.  I know that I have to work - I am working – but somehow I manage to find jobs that I know won’t last for long or when I do find  a steady job, I get bored ; therefore leaving it seems a pretty good idea.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a kind of radar to find jobs; I have no difficulty at that whatsoever, and I enjoy working as long as is not permanent.

Going back to my “future” I have laid out a plan to go abroad and work, I have been thinking about going to Canada in a special work and travel program (which I think is a cool idea).  My family and friends tell me that is cool and that I should do it, and most likely I will if I don’t find anything else.
Another idea is to apply for the “special police force” here in my country (idea that has been in my head for at least 3 years), and of course there is a But : I love weed  even though I don’t smoke it regularly   and most of my acquaintances are under some kind of illegal substance.

And the last idea (I know is not recommended to begin a paragraph with an interjection but who really cares) is to study abroad, I have been searching for universities in Europe but that is just an idea that has not been developed yet.

Oh! and last but not least ( I know I said last before) I want to study again in a Chilean university and this week I will start studying for the university entrance test ( that will also help me for the police force test). This might be the weakest idea just for the fact that I am close to turn 30 and 4 years of study will have a great impact in my chances of getting a job after finishing university once again.

As you can see, I have no fucking clue, but as we all know

It Is What It Is.

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